Who & Why


Scenes from the 50th Reunion.
Photo credit: Tam Ryan.


  • Are we a commune? No, we are more like a cooperative. Our governance is democratic, we have disparate minds, and decisions are based on consensus. We share in community, but we also lead separate lives.

  • Do people own their homes? Like condo associations, residents rent their homes and studios. The property is owned by a trust.

  • Is RLV nonprofit? No, we are a private organization. We have volunteer responsibilities, but no staff. All earnings go into upkeep, improvements and programs. We often partner with the Oracle Art Wilson Barn, which as a nonprofit can accept tax-deductible donations.

  • Is RLV similar to other artist colonies? Yes and no. We are an intentional creative community for artists and their families. We accept, but do not depend on donations. Members make decisions, not an executive leadership or board. We offer cultural programs out of a desire to share what we do with others. This however is a choice, as we do not have a public mandate.

  • Is RLV open to the public? RLV sits on privately owned land. The public is welcome to visit the RLV Gallery on Sundays, from 11 AM to 5 PM, or during special events. Permission is needed to visit at all other times. See Contact for more information.

  • How does one move onto the ranch? Due to limited space, permanent housing rarely if ever becomes available. Those who end up living here have put in the time—visiting and staying over, attending events, and getting to know people. Find out about residencies, exhibits, and cultural programs, as well as some of the many people who have intersected with the ranch.